Some state/city or zip codes are not working when used in searching locations on the map, even if they do exist in the Map Locations database.
It can be due to the Search Radius not being set up correctly on the Map or the proper distance not being chosen before performing a search.
We recommend setting the Map's Search Radius to a higher range. This is done by following the below steps:
1. Log in to your WP site admin.
2. Within the MapifyPro tab, navigate to Maps.
3. Click on 'Edit' for the required Map.
4. Scroll down to Search Radius Settings.
5. In the 'Search Radius' field, change the default 5 to a higher range (10000 recommended).
6. Click on 'Update.'
It also helps to adjust the Front-End Search Radius (e.g. 250, 500, 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000) to make wider search distance options available when searching for locations.
1. On the same Map page, locate the Front-End Search Radius Options section.
2. Click the 'Add Option' button to add more distance options.
3. Enter the number on every distance field you've added (e.g. 500, 1000).
4. Save your changes by clicking 'Update'.
This is how the front-end search variables will appear on your Map's search field:
To make each search display the required location, ensure that the proper distance is chosen before hitting the search button.
NOTE: The Search Radius and the Front-End Search Radius cannot be both enabled at the same time. Only one of these features may be enabled on the Map.
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